New York United States

New York Rendokan /ニューヨーク 練道館

Dojo Name/道場名:New York Rendokan /ニューヨーク 練道館

Organization Name/連盟名:Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karatedo International Association/国際沖縄少林流空手道国際連盟

Head Instructor/責任者:Robert S. Weinberg (Hanshi, 9th Dan)/ロバート・S.・ワーインバーグ(範士、9段)

Address/住所:178 Bennett Ave New York, NY 10040



The New York Rendokan is in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan, NY. Hanshi Robert S. Weinberg (9th Dan) has been teaching people of all ages Traditional Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate, Toei Ryu Jujutsu, and Okinawan Kobujutsu since the 1970s. He is a senior student of Eizo Shimabukuro Sensei (Shobayashi Shorin Ryu).The dojo rents space in a Protestant church and is a short walk from the 191st Street 1 Train station.
