Pennsylvania United States

Project Capoeira/プロジェクト カポエイラ

Dojo Name/道場名:Project Capoeira/プロジェクト カポエイラ

Organization Name/連盟名:United States Capoeira Federation/米国カポエイラ連盟

Head Instructor/責任者:Adenilson Dos Santos (Founder)/アデニルソン・ドース・サントス(道場長)

Address/住所:1213 Race St, Philadelphia, PA 19107



Project Capoeira is on Race Street in Center City Philadelphia, near the Reading Terminal Market and Chinatown. Project Capoeira’s mission is to preserve, develop, and share Capoeira in the Greater Philadelphia area. Adenilson Dos Santos is the head Mestre and founder of the United States Capoeira Federation.They teach adults and children.


New York United States

Unlimited Martial Arts/アンリミテッド マシャール アーツ

Dojo Name/道場名 Unlimited Martial Arts/アンリミテッド マシャール アーツ

Head Instructors/責任者:Phil Cruz (Sifu, Co-Founder) , Anthony Fontana (Sifu, Co-Founder)/フィル・クルズ (師傅、共同創設者)、アンソニー・フォンタナー (師傅、共同創設者)

Address/住所:505 Union Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211



Unlimited Martial Arts is in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn,NY. They offer classes in BJJ, Filipino Martial Arts (armed and unarmed systems) , Muay Thai, Capoeira, and Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do. Co-founders, Sifu Phil Cruz and Sifu Anthony Fontana both have over 20 years of martial arts experience. UMA teaches adults and children.

ブルックリンのウィリアムズバーグでアンリミテッド マシャール アーツは子供と大人に教えているブルース・リーを作ったジークンド、ムイタイ、ブラジリアン柔術、フィリピン武術、カポエイラジムです。道場長達20年以上に格闘技をやっているフィル・クルズ師傅とアンソニー・フォンタナー師傅です。

New York United States

Motumbaxe Capoeira &Jiu Jitsu/モトゥムバシェ カポエイラ & 柔術

Dojo Name/道場名: Motumbaxe Capoeira &Jiu Jitsu/モトゥムバシェ カポエイラ & 柔術

Head Instructor/責任者:Mestre Lampréia (Founder)/メストレ・ラーンプレア (道場長)

Address/住所:76 Nevins St. Brooklyn, NY 11217



Motumbaxe Capoeira & Jiu Jitsu in the Boerum Hill section of Brooklyn,NY. Mestre Lampreia has been training Capoeira for over 40 years and has done BJJ since 2002. He moved to New York in 2002 and has been teaching here ever since. Mestre Lampreia is a BJJ black belt under Babs Olusanmokun.
