New York United States

Aikido of Westchester/ウエストチェスター 合気道

Dojo Name/道場名:Aikido of Westchester/ウエストチェスター 合気道

Organization Name/連盟名:Aikikai Foundation/公益財団法人合気会 , United States Aikido Federation /北米合気道連盟 , and Nihon Battodo Renmei/日本抜刀道連盟

Head Instructor/責任者 :Douglas Firestone (Shihan, 7th Dan)/ダグラス・ファイヤーストン(師範、7段)

Address/住所:100 Mamaroneck Ave., Flr.2 White Plains, NY 10601



Aikido of Westchester is located in White Plains, NY. Established in 1997, Douglas Firestone Shihan was a student of the late Rev. Kensho Furuya in L.A. and then became an uchi deshi to Yamada Shihan in Manhattan. They teach Aikikai-style Aikido and Toyama Ryu Battodo swordsmanship.

1997年に創建して、ニューヨークのホワイト・プレインズ市でウエストチェスター 合気道は合気道と東山流抜刀道道場です。道場長は元々合気道センターロスアンゼルスの弟子と元ニューヨーク合気会の内弟子ダグラス・ファイヤーストン師範です。

California United States

Aikido Center of Los Angeles/合気道センターロスアンゼルス

Dojo Name/道場名:Aikido Center of Los Angeles/羅府合氣道学院 古屋道場

Organization Name/連盟名:Aikikai Foundation/ 財団法人合気会

Head Instructor/責任者: David Nobuhiro Ito (5th Dan, Dojo-cho)/デビッド・ノブヒロ・イトウ (5段、道場長)

Address/住所:1211 North Main Street Los Angeles CA 90012



Founded in 1974 by the late Reverend Kensho Furuya , a Japanese-American Soto Zen priest. Rev. Furuya was an uchi-deshi, live-in student, at the Aikikai Honbu Dojo in Tokyo for one year. In addition to Aikido, Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido is also taught at the dojo. The ACLA is one of 14 Aikido organizations in the US that is officially recognized by the Aikikai Foundation (Honbu Dojo).

I passed this dojo on one of my long walks before competing in the US Weight Category Karate Championships in Little Tokyo a couple years ago.

