Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

Aikikai Foundation Aikido World Headquarters/公益財団法人合気会 合気道本部道場

Dojo Name/道場名:Aikido Honbu Dojo/ 合気道本部道場

Organization Name/連盟名:Aikikai Foundation/ 公益財団法人合気会

Head Instructor/責任者 : Mitsuteru Ueshiba ( Dojo-cho)/ 植芝 充央 (道場長)

Address/住所:17-18 Wakamatsu-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0056 Japan

Website/ホームページ (English/日本語)

Notes/コメント:The original Honbu Dojo was a wooden structure built in 1931. In 1967, the wooden building was replaced by the modern concrete building in the same plot of land in the Wakamatsu-Cho neighborhood of Shinjuku. The Honbu Dojo is the headquarters of the Aikikai and the current head instructor is Mitsuteru Ueshiba Sensei, the son of the current Doshu, or head of the Aikikai Foundation.
