New York United States

Karate-Do Iwata Dojo/空手道 岩田道場

Dojo Name/道場名 空手道 岩田道場

Head Instructor/責任者:Hiro Iwata ( Dojocho)/岩田 洋明 (道場長)

Address/住所:115 W 28th St,2nd Floor,New York, NY, 10001



Founded in 2008 by Hiro Iwata Sensei, the Iwata style of Karate is an independent style that has roots in Kyokushin Karate and World Oyama Karate. Iwata Sensei was an uchi deshi of the late Soshu Shigeru Oyama.


New York United States

Toshindo Karate/統心道 空手

Dojo Name/道場名 Toshindo Karate White Plains Dojo/統心道 空手 ホワイトプレーンズ道場

Organization Name/連盟名:International Toshindo Karate Federation/国際統心道空手道連盟

Head Instructor/責任者:Donald LaMattina (Shuseki Shihan, Chairman)/ドナルド・ラーマティーナ(主席師範,館長)

Address/住所:196 Maple Ave White Plains NY 10601


Notes/コメント:Toshindo is based on Kyokushin Karate and World Oyama Karate. Its current chairman, Shuseki Shihan Donald LaMattina, received his 4th Dan in the late 1970s from Soshu Shigeru Oyama and was a certified Kyokushin Karate instructor under him. In 1986, he became co-chairman of the International Toshindo Karate Federation.
