New York United States

Zen Goju Temple/禅剛柔寺

Dojo Name/道場名:Zen Goju Temple/禅剛柔寺

Organization Name/連盟名:U.S.A. GoJu Association/米国剛柔会

Head Instructor/責任者:Vincent Merenda (Shihan, 10th Dan)/ヴィンセント・メレンダー(師範、10段)

Address/住所:2533 65th Street Brooklyn, New York 11204



Zen Goju Temple is in the Midwood/Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn, New York. Vincent Merenda trained under USA GoJu founder, Peter Urban, and achieved the rank of 10th Dan. His school, Zen Goju Temple, has been in operation for over 30 years.

Peter Urban served in the US Navy during the 1950s and trained Karate with both Gogen Yamaguchi and Mas Oyama. He became a full time student of Yamaguchi and eventually moved back to New York and opened a dojo. After a falling out with Yamaguchi in the mid-60s, he founded an independent style called the USA GoJu Association.



New York United States

Lions Fight Martial Arts/ライオンズ ファイト マーシャルアーツ

Dojo Name/道場名 Lions Fight Martial Arts/ライオンズ ファイト マーシャルアーツ

Head Instructor/責任者:Artyom Sahakyan/アルトム・サハキャン

Address/住所:1912 McDonald Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11223



Lions Fight is in the Homecrest section of Brooklyn. They offer Kickboxing, BJJ, and MMA classes to adults and children

Their coaching staff and fight team is made up of natives of the former Soviet Union and I believe some of their fighters are active in both the New York-based Friday Night Fights and Glory promotions.

ブルックリンのホームクレストでライオンズ ファイト マーシャルアーツは大人と子供に教えてるキックボクシング、ブラジリアン柔術、総合格闘技ジムです。コーチと選手の皆さんは旧ソ連人です。キックボクシングと散打マスターアルトム・サハキャンです。

New York United States

Shizen Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu/自然流 合気柔術

Dojo Name/道場名:Shizen Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu/自然流 合気柔術

Head Instructor/責任者:Charles Murphy (Menkyo Kaiden)/チャールズ・マーフィー(免許皆伝)

Address/住所:2533 65th St, Brooklyn, NY 11204


Shizen Ryu Aikijujutsu is an independent martial arts school currently renting practice space at the Zen Goju Temple in Brooklyn,NY. With a focus on self-defense, they train a variety of throws, joint locks, and submissions. They use a menkyo ranking system instead of a kyu-dan system. 


New York United States

Sheldon Ruskin Shotokan Karate/シェルダーン・ラースキン 松濤館 空手

Dojo Name/道場名:Sheldon Ruskin Shotokan Karate/シェルダーン・ラースキン 松濤館 空手

Organization Name/連盟名:International Shotokan Karate Federation/国際松濤館空手連盟

Head Instructor/責任者:Sheldon Ruskin Shotokan Karate (Dojocho)/シェルダーン・ラースキン(道場長)

Address/住所:6113 18th Avenue Brooklyn,NY 11204 



Sheldon Ruskin Shotokan Karate in the Mapleton section of Brooklyn. A former US Karate champion with over 45 years of martial arts experience, Ruskin Sensei’s dojo is part of the late Teruyuki Okazaki Sensei’s International Shotokan Karate Federation.


New York United States

Brooklyn Wing Tsun/ブルックリン詠春

Dojo Name/道場名:Brooklyn Wing Tsun/ブルックリン詠春

Organization Name/連盟名:City Wing Tsun Athletic Association/シーティー詠春体育会

Head Instructor/責任者:Ethan Hampton (Sifu)/イーサン・ハームプトン(師父)

Address/住所:808 Union Street, Brooklyn NY 11225



Brooklyn Wing Tsun is in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn, NY. Sifu Ethan Hampton is a certified instructor in the City Wing Tsun Athletic Association, founded by Alex Richter. They have general and private classes available.


New York United States

Greenpoint Shotokan Karate/グリーンポイント 松濤館 空手

Dojo Name/道場名:Greenpoint Shotokan Karate/グリーンポイント 松濤館 空手

Head Instructor/責任者:Steve Borkowsky (Dojocho)/スティーブ・ボーカウスキー(道場長)

Address/住所:546 Meeker Ave Brooklyn,NY 11222



Greenpoint Shotokan Karate is an independent Shotokan dojo founded in 1990. They teach JKA-style Shotokan Karate to adults and children in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn. Sensei Steve Borkowsky is a graduate of the Long Island University Karate Instructors Program and was a member of the U.S. World Cup Karate Team in 1993.


New York United States

Samir Judo Club/サミール柔道クラブ

Dojo Name/道場名 Samir Judo Club/サミール柔道クラブ

Head Instructor/責任者:Samir Peysakhov (Head Coach, 6th Dan)/サミール・ぺサーコフ(道場長、6段)

Address/住所:154 Avenue O Brooklyn, NY 11204



The dojo was in 1997 by Coach Samir Peysakhov, a native of Azerbaijan. They produce champion level Judoka on both the adult and youth levels.


New York United States

Jikishinkan Aikido Dojo/直心館 合気道 道場

Dojo Name/道場名:Jikishinkan Aikido Dojo/直心館合気道道場

Organization Name/連盟名:Zenshinkai Aikido Association/


Head Instructor/責任者: Stewart Johnson (Dojocho, 5th Dan)/

スチュワート・ジョーンソン (道場長、5段)

Address/住所:316 Dean Street, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217


The Jikishinkan Dojo in Brooklyn,NY is a nonprofit dojo that teaches Aikido and Zen meditation.

Affiliated with the Zenshinkai Aikido Association, the dojo was founded by Joseph Jarman Sensei. In addition to being an Aikido instructor, Jarmen Sensei was also an ordained Buddhist priest of the Jodo Shinshu tradition.

I believe a Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu ( an ancestor art to Aikido) also practices here.



New York United States

Brooklyn Aikikai/ブルックリン 合気会

Dojo Name/道場名:Brooklyn Aikikai Tendokan Dojo/ブルックリン 合気会 天童館道場

Organization Name/連盟名:Birankai North America/北米びらん会

Head Instructor/責任者 : Ryūgan R.D. Savoca(Chief Instructor,6th Dan)/リューガン・R.D.・サボカー(道場長、6段)

Address/住所:408 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215


Notes/コメント:The Tendokan Dojo of the Brooklyn Aikikai in the Gowanus section of a Brooklyn, NY. As a nonprofit organization, they are committed to teaching people from all walks of life Aikido,Misogi,and Iaido. They are members of the Birankai North America.


New York United States

Ving Tsun Kung Fu Club/ 詠春功夫クラブ

Dojo Name/道場名: Ving Tsun Kung Fu Club/ 詠春功夫クラブ

Head Instructor/責任者: Miguel Hernandez / ミゲル・ヘルナンデズ

Address/住所:4925-5th Ave. Brooklyn, New York


Notes/コメント:The school was founded in 1995 by Miguel Hernandez,a student of Moy Yat.
