Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

Kyokushin Kenbukai Honbu Kamata Dojo/極真拳武會総本部 蒲田道場

Dojo Name/道場名 Kyokushin Kenbukai Honbu Kamata Dojo/極真拳武會総本部 蒲田道場

Organization Name/連盟名:Kyokushin Budo Karate Organization Kyokushin Kenbukai/極真武道空手連盟 極真拳武會

Head Instructor/責任者:Kotaro Sagawa /佐川虎太郎

Address/住所:1 Chome-18-10 Kamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0052

Website/ホームページ (Japanese-Only)


The Kyokushin Kenbukai Honbu Kamata Dojo is in the Kamata neighborhood of Tokyo. The late Kaicho Tsuyoshi Hiroshige broke away from Kyokushin Kan and created the Kyokushin Budo Karate Union Kyokushin Kenbukai on February 5, 2017.


Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

Nihon Vovinam Kyokai Honbu Dojo/日本ボビナム協会本部道場

Dojo Name/道場名:Nihon Vovinam Kyokai Honbu Dojo /日本ボビナム協会本部道場

Organization Name/連盟名:Nihon Vovinam Kyokai /一般社団法人 日本ボビナム協会

Address/住所:2-Chome-18-10 Koraku Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 112-0004

Website/ホームページ (Japanese Only)


The Nihon Vovinam Kyokai Honbu Dojo is an 8 minute walk from Iidabashi Station in Tokyo, Japan. Vovinam is a Vietnamese system of martial arts that was founded in 1938. It has incorporated various Japanese and Chinese martial systems onto an indigenous combat art framework. It’s also about 1 minute away from the JKA Honbu Dojo.


Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

Kodokan Judo Institute/講道館

Dojo Name/道場名:Kodokan Judo Institute/講道館

Head Instructor/責任者:Haruki Uemura (Kancho)/ 上村 春樹 (館長)

Address/住所:1-16-30 Kasuga Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 112-00030



Founded in 1882 by Kano Jigoro, the Kodokan Judo Institute is the headquarters of the worldwide Judo community. With the main dojo on the 7th floor and several other smaller dojo throughout the building,it offers classes to beginners and Olympic level Judoka alike.

There is also a dormitory for visiting Judo practitioners, a Judo museum , and an observation deck above the main dojo (8th floor.)



Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

Daido Juku Honbu Dojo/大道塾 総本部道場

(Picture is from the Honbu Dojo’s former location/元総本部道場所在地)

Dojo Name/道場名:Daido Juku Honbu Dojo/大道塾 総本部道場

Organization Name/連盟名:All Japan Kudo Federation Daido Juku/全日本空道連盟 大道塾

Head Instructor/責任者: (The Late) Takashi Azuma (Jukucho) Kenichi Osada ( As of April 2021, Jukucho) /

(故)東 孝 (塾長)

長田 賢一 (2021年4月〜、塾長)

Address/住所:171-0033 Tokyo, Toshima City, Takada, 2 Chome−10−11 

Website/ホームページ (Japanese Only)

Notes/コメント:Kudo was founded in 1981 by Azuma Takashi, a former Kyokushin branch chief in Sendai City. Kudo combines full contact Karate and Judo to form a type of mixed martial arts. Face punches are also allowed. To my understanding, Daido Juku is the name of the style, while Kudo is what the art being practiced is called. The Honbu Dojo moved into a new location near Zoshigaya Station in 2019. After a battle with cancer, Azuma Sensei passed away in April 2021.


Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan So-Honbu Dojo/国際空手道連盟 極真会館 総本部道場

Dojo Name/道場名:International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan So-Honbu Dojo/国際空手道連盟 極真会館 総本部道場

Organization Name/連盟名:International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan/国際空手道連盟 極真会館

Head Instructor/責任者: Shokei Matsui (Kancho)/ 

松井 章奎(館長)

Address/住所:2-chōme-38-1 Nishiikebukuro Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021

Website/ホームページ (Japanese only)

Notes/コメント:The International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan (Matsui/IKO-1) So Honbu Dojo in Ikebukuro, Tokyo was set up by the IKO-1 after they vacated the original Honbu Dojo. It is about a 5 minute walk away from the original building. These days, I believe it functions more like a regular neighborhood dojo and all the important events are held at the new Daikanyama Dojo.


Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

Yoshinkan Aikido Honbu Dojo/合気道 養神館 本部道場

Dojo Name/道場名:Yoshinkan Aikido Honbu Dojo/合気道 養神館 本部道場

Organization Name/連盟名:Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation/公益財団法人合気道養神会

Head Instructor/責任者: Masahiko Noriki ( Dojocho, 7th Dan)/ 乗木 雅彦(道場長、7段)

Address/住所:2F Toyo Building, 4-17-15, Takada-no-baba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-0075

Website/ホームページ: (English/日本語)

Notes/コメント:Founded in 1955 by Gozo Shioda, Yoshinkan style of Aikido is described as a harder version of Aikido. The style is famous for its year-long senshusei course in which the Tokyo Riot Police are a part of.

1955年創建して、塩田剛三館長は合気道の開祖植芝盛平の弟子でした。植芝派合気道に比べて養神館 はもっと荒い流派です。本部道場で世界的な専修生コースをしてます。

Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

Aikikai Foundation Aikido World Headquarters/公益財団法人合気会 合気道本部道場

Dojo Name/道場名:Aikido Honbu Dojo/ 合気道本部道場

Organization Name/連盟名:Aikikai Foundation/ 公益財団法人合気会

Head Instructor/責任者 : Mitsuteru Ueshiba ( Dojo-cho)/ 植芝 充央 (道場長)

Address/住所:17-18 Wakamatsu-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0056 Japan

Website/ホームページ (English/日本語)

Notes/コメント:The original Honbu Dojo was a wooden structure built in 1931. In 1967, the wooden building was replaced by the modern concrete building in the same plot of land in the Wakamatsu-Cho neighborhood of Shinjuku. The Honbu Dojo is the headquarters of the Aikikai and the current head instructor is Mitsuteru Ueshiba Sensei, the son of the current Doshu, or head of the Aikikai Foundation.


Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

Eishingijuku Kobukan Dojo /盈進義塾興武館道場

Dojo Name/道場名 : Eishingijuku Kobukan/ 盈進義塾興武館

Head Instructor/責任者: Hiroshi Ozawa/ 小澤 博

Address/住所:5- chome 27-20 Chuo Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0011

Website/ホームページ: ( Japanese Only)


Originally founded in Saitama Prefecture in 1891 and then rebuilt in Tokyo in 1977, the Kobukan teaches Kendo and Kenjutsu. According to multiple sources, the current headmaster’s grandfather held some of the highest ranks ever achieved in Jikishinkage-Ryu,Ono-Ha Itto Ryu, and Kyoshin Meichi Ryu Kenjutsu. The dojo currently teaches Kendo and Mizoguchi -ha Itto-Ryu Kenjutsu.

It was one of the dojo features in @emptymindfilms ‘ Kendo episode in their Budo documentary series.



Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

Shinseikai Karate Suzuki Dojo-Tokyo Branch/真正会空手 鈴木道場 東京支部

Dojo Name/道場名:Shinseikai Karate Suzuki Dojo-Tokyo Branch/真正会空手 鈴木道場 東京支部

Organization Name/連盟名:All Japan Shinsei Karate Do Organization Shinseikai/ 全日本真正空手道連盟 真正会

Head Instructor/責任者: Shuji Suzuki (Shihan, 5th Dan)/ 鈴木 修司 (師範、5段)

Address/住所:171-0033 Tokyo, Toshima City, Takada, 3 Chome−15−5 山口ビル 3F

Website/ホームページ: (Mostly in Japanese with a contact form for English speakers)

Notes/コメント:Shinseikai Suzuki Dojo in Takadanobaba. Shinseikai broke away from Seidokaikan a couple of years ago and Suzuki Shihan was formerly the Tokyo Branch Chief for Seidokaikan. He is now Shinseikai’s Tokyo Branch Chief. A few Shinseikai fighters have competed in IKO- 1 tournaments in Japan. The Suzuki Dojo was about 3 blocks away from my ryokan in Takadanobaba during my stay there for the 12th World Tournament in November 2019.


Japan/日本 Kanto Area/関東 Tokyo/東京

Kobukan Dojo/紘武館道場

Dojo Name/道場名 : Shinto Muso Ryu Jojutsu Kobukan Dojo/神道夢想流杖術 紘武館道場

Organization Name/連盟名:Kobujodokai, All Japan Kendo Federation Jodo Section/紘武杖道会,全日本剣道連盟杖道

Address/住所:1-54-6 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Website/ホームページ (Japanese Only)

Notes/コメント:Founded in 1975, the Kobukan Dojo teaches the art of the Jo, the Japanese short stick. Shinto Muso Ryu Jojutsu was developed by Muso Gennosuke, who famously tested his art against Miyamoto Musashi, in the 1600’s.

1975年創建して, 紘武杖道会の中核は、古来より伝承された神道夢想流杖術の稽古ですが、杖道稽古の第一段階である全日本剣道連盟杖道形の稽古も含まれる。