Japan/日本 Kansai Area/関西 Kyoto/京都

Satake Dojo/佐竹道場

Dojo Name/道場名: Sougou Dageki Do Satake Dojo/ 総合打撃道佐竹道場

Head Instructor/責任者: Masaaki Satake /佐竹 雅昭

Address/住所:341 Hachimonjicho Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto 600-8041

Website/ホームページ (Japanese-only)

Notes/コメント:Satake Masaaki is a former K-1 and Seidokaikan Karate fighter who was the most successful Japanese fighter in K-1’s Heavyweight division. He now runs this dojo in Kyoto near Kawaramachi station.


Kansai Area/関西 Osaka/大阪

Seidokaikan Honbu Dojo/正道会館 総本部道場

Dojo Name/道場名 : Seido Kaikan Honbu Dojo/新日本空手道連盟正道会館 国際正道空手連盟 総本部道場総

Organization Name/連盟名:Federation International Karate-Seido Association Seidokaikan /新日本空手道連盟正道会館 国際正道空手連盟

Head Instructor/責任者: Nobuaki Kakuda (Honbucho) /角田 信明 (総本部長)

Address/住所:3-1 Nishikicho, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0034

Website/ホームページ: (Japanese only)

Notes/コメント:This is a full contact karate style that started the K-1 kickboxing promotion. Many famous Kyokushin fighters like Andy Hug, Filho, and Feitosa also fought in K-1 in the 90’s and 00’s. 


Hyogo/兵庫 Kansai Area/関西

International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan Nakamura Dojo- Nishinomiya Dojo/国際空手道連盟極真会館中村道場ー西宮道場

Dojo Name/道場名:Nishinomiya Dojo/西宮道場

Organization Name/連盟名:International Karate Organization Nakamura Dojo/国際空手道連盟極真会館 中村道場

Head Instructor/責任者: Makoto Nakamura ( Sosui,11th Dan) , Nobuhiro Hokayashiki ( Shihandai, 5th Dan)

中村誠 (総帥、11段)、外屋敷信宏 (師範代、5段)

Address/住所:14-26 Murokawachō 1F , Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0863 

Website/ホームページ: (Japanese only)

Notes/コメント:I trained here in 2015 while I was teaching English and while the dojo was still part of the IKO-1 (Matsui). While I was there the dojo consisted of mostly kids classes, but there was a solid group of beginner and intermediate adults and brown and black belt teenagers that would take the adult class. Hokayashiki Sensei was kind and did not treat me any differently because I was a foreigner. The dojo followed Nakamura Shihan after he broke away from the IKO and continues to be a strong dojo within the Nakamura Dojo world.

2015年西宮で働いてたとき、この道場を入ってました。そんな時、この道場はまだ極真会館入ってたけど、僕はアメリカに帰国した後、すぐにIKO 中村道場になりました。外屋敷先生は厳しけど、いい先生でした。

Hyogo/兵庫 Kansai Area/関西

Shubukan Dojo/修武館道場

Dojo Name/道場名:Shubukan/ 公益財団法人 修武館

Organization Name/連盟名:

Naginata: All Japan Naginata Federation and Tendo Ryu/なぎなた:全日本なぎなた連盟・総合武術天道流

Kendo: All Japan Kendo Federation/剣道:全日本剣道連盟

Iaido: All Japan Iaido Federation/居合道:全日本居合道連盟

Head Instructor/責任者:

Naginata: Yasuko Kimura ( 17th Generation Soke, Tendo Ryu)/

なぎなた:木村 恭子 (天道流、17代目宗家)

Kendo: Takashi Abe (Hanshi, 8th Dan)/剣道:安倍 尚志(範士、八段)

Iaido: Kenichi Kondo (Kyoshi, 7th Dan)/居合道:近藤 健一(教士,七段)

Address/住所:664-0858 Hyōgo-ken, Itami-shi, Nishidai, 3 Chome−2−21/ 〒664-0858 伊丹市西台3-2-11

Website/ホームページ: ( 日本語) ( English)

Notes/コメント:Established in 1786 as a private dojo for a sake brewer, it got the name Shubukan in 1885. Tendo Ryu, currently headed by Kimura Yasuko, is actually a sougo bujutsu. Meaning it is a comprehensive martial art with various weapons and hand to hand techniques. Tendo Ryu Naginatajutsu, Atarashii ( sport) Naginata, Kendo, and  Iaido are practiced weekly.


Kansai Area/関西 Osaka/大阪

Osaka Municipal Martial Arts Center Shudokan/大阪市立修道館

Dojo Name/道場名:Osaka Municipal Martial Arts Center Shudokan/大阪市立修道館

Martial Arts Taught/遣れる武道:Judo, Kendo, and Naginata/柔道柔、剣道、なぎなた

Address/住所: 2-1 Osakajo, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 540-0002/ 〒540-0002 大阪市中央区大阪城2-1

Website/ホームページ ( Japanese only)

Notes/コメント:On the grounds of Osaka Castle, the Shudokan is a Kendo, Judo, and Naginata dojo. Judo training is held on Tuesday and Friday nights and Kendo is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Naginata is practiced on most mornings during the week. Although, regular training requires a monthly membership, visitors with experience can join training for a nominal fee which is good for one training session. It is run by Osaka City and practitioners of other arts are welcome to rent it out to hold tournaments and events.
