Europe Italy

Shinbudokai Dojo/真武道会道場

Dojo Name/道場名:Shinbudokai Dojo/真武道会道場

Organization Name/連盟名:Kyokushin Budo Karate Organization Kyokushin Kenbukai/極真武道空手連盟 極真拳武會

Head Instructor/責任者:Andrea Stoppa (Shihan, 5th Dan)/アンドレア・ストッパー(師範、5段)

Address/住所:Via Concordia, 7, 33170 Pordenone PN, Italy

Website/ホームページ (Italian Only)


The Shinbudokai Dojo is in Pordenone, Italy. Shihan Andrea Stoppa has over 35 years of martial arts experience and has been a member of the Italian National Judo Team. He has also been member of the Kyokushin Budokai and Daido Juku Organizations.
He currently teaches Kyokushin Karate (Kyokushin Kenbukai), Tai Ki Ken ,and BJJ at his dojo and at Aviano U.S. Air Force Base.
